Friday, 29 May 2009

Only 22 More Working Days!!

Well, there's another day done and another day closer to the end of my current employment. With me due to finish on 30th June that means I now have another 22 working days to go before I am officially free to get on with things and I'm now beginning to get pretty excited about the whole thing although it is also quite frustrating having to go to work when I could be at home preparing!

I now have the whole of the weekend off and, with the weather forecast telling me we're in for some nice sunny weather for the rest of the weekend, at least I can put my mind firmly on exercise for me and Roman. I am planning to get up at about 9 tomorrow (I'm allowed a lie in - it is my day off!) and, once we have both had breakfast, we will be going out at about 10am to try and get a good 15 to 20 miles walking in under the sun.

I have been slightly surprised also at just how quickly interest in this has begun to build. I decided to publicise this in a few ways:

1. I have sent a message to every single one of my friends on Facebook asking them to join a group I have started on there with a link to this blog and have asked them to also invite their friends.

2. I have been posting on internet forum sites and have received many kind comments. I would like to thank eveybody who has so far given me words of encouragement - it's nice to know so many people think so highly of what I plan to do.

3. I have decided to approach as many large organisations as possible and ask if they would be able to post a link to my blog on their intranets - I am not sure whether they will do this or not but if they will then it could really help to raise interest.

4. I will be speaking to my vets soon - as my dog is taking part and some of the money raised will be going to a Rottweiler charity I think it would be a good idea to try and get in touch with as many animal organisations as possible so the vet should be a good place to start with this.

5. I have been thinking about sponsorship and have decided that, once I have decided on the charities I hope to raise money for, I will approach organisations that have direct links to the charities in an effort to raise interest.

6. Again, once I have decided on the charities, I will be getting in touch with as many media sources as I can to try and raise interest. Once I have a firm offer on the house and, therefore, a better idea of when I will be setting off I will be able to draw up a plan of where I will be at certain points of the journey so I will be hoping to co-ordinate events in this way.

I am really looking forward to getting started on a lot of this stuff and know that I will be kept really busy with a lot of it. I think my first job now is to get cracking on deciding which charities to support. I am open to ideas at the moment but, please, don't be offended if I choose a different charity!


  1. You seem to have made a really good start with the organisation, looking forward to keeping up with your travels

  2. My initial reaction was "wow, how exciting" but after reading yo first post I'm not sure what to think. U r basically 'debuilding' yo whole life for a vision, wow! I must say I'm envious of yo courage. U've got my support n respect.

  3. Yeah, that is pretty much what I am doing Meza! I think too many people go through life settling for things rather than just dropping everything at putting themselves totally at the mercy of fate to "chase the dream". At the end of the day I am only 27 so this is a good time to do it - I have no kids and, other than the mortgage, no real responsibilities. If things don't work there is nothing stopping me coming back and starting again....
