Friday, 14 August 2009

What A Horrible Day!

Today has been such a frustrating day for me and I feel like I have managed to achieve absolutely nothing at all. I noticed last night that Roman’s dreaded limp had come back a little so had decided against an early morning walk. When I checked his paw this morning I thought it had got a lot better, only to realise I was looking at the wrong paw! Now both paws seem to be affected! I took him to the vets this morning to get it checked out.

The vet has prescribed some new antibiotics for him and given me a new cream to apply twice a day. He has stressed that I need to make sure Roman is not licking his paw constantly as this can be a way of allowing infections in. As a result, he has given us a lampshade type thing to put on his head – he is going to hate me for putting it on him but he needs to get better. I just hope the new course of medication works better for him than the last lot.

The vet reckons he may need up to a week of rest and this could be a real spanner in the works. We are set to leave on Monday morning, only a couple of days away. I am going to give him total rest for a couple of days and see how his paws are but I have looked into alternative arrangements in case it hasn’t healed sufficiently by Monday. I am hoping that it will be much better but I don’t want to take any chances as it could really hinder us if it is not allowed to heal properly.

I can’t believe the timing of it but I suppose it is best to get it sorted now than for it to happen half way through France without the same support network around us. I have spoken to my ex girlfriend and she has agreed to look after Roman, if need be, for a week or so and he can be driven down to meet me somewhere en route once his paw has healed enough. It could well mean that I have to walk to Dover alone.

I’m really gutted about this prospect and, if it works out this way, I know I will really miss him. I will have to talk to myself for a change rather than to him! I really hope that this new medication works quickly though so, hopefully, it may only mean a day or two delay before he can join me. I’m lucky enough to have really good friends and they have already offered to drive him down to me whenever he is ready to go.

My ex girlfriend brought some papers around yesterday to be signed regarding the house but I was not satisfied that what I was signing actually said what I had agreed to so I asked for it to be amended. Her solicitor is in Manchester so we had to go all the way up there to sort it out. The round trip ended up taking about three hours as she got the wrong postcode so we went to the wrong place originally! To be honest, it is something I could really have done without at this point – I am already so busy I really don’t have much spare time.

I changed £1,000 into Euros today and this was another disappointment. When I first started looking last week I could have got a rate of about 1.165 but I could only get 1.133 today. It’s just typical of the luck I have been having of late but I had to get it changed today while I was there as I am quickly running out of time. I meant to pick up a muzzle from a pet shop in town today also but it totally slipped my mind so I just hope they still have it in the morning.

I am off out tonight with the lads from football for a send off party so I may be a little hungover tomorrow. Still, no rest for the wicked – I have another million and one things to do tomorrow. Hangovers are for weaklings!

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