Thursday, 23 July 2009

It's A Dog's Life!

I finally managed to get hold of Jennie at the Rottweiler Welfare Association today – it seems she had been away on holiday and that is why I couldn’t get a response! There is some good news on this front; they have now received their first bank statement with the new treasurer’s details on so this can now be sent off with all of the relevant paperwork to Just Giving so that they can be added to the site. I think a reasonable estimate may be that they could be on there as early as the end of next week. I can’t wait for them to be on there – I am sure there are a lot of people out there that would love to donate to them seeing as I seem to have quite a following in the Rottweiler community!

I tried again to get hold of Simon today but again to no avail. I am really starting to think that the guy was a wind up to be honest, why else would he suddenly start ignoring me completely and not returning any calls when he had been on the phone pretty much every day before that? It’s a shame really as it would have been really good to get some national coverage but I guess I will have to start making my own enquiries on that one again – wish me luck!

I sent an email off to Natalie at P&O Ferries earlier today too but got a reply from her out of office auto reply stating that she is on holiday until Monday! How cheeky of these people to have holidays! There is a number that I can call but I am not sure who she may have spoken to so I am going to wait until Monday and hope for a reply. If I have not had a reply by the afternoon then I will try calling and see how she has got on.

I have been out for two walks with Roman so far today, both five miles, and will be taking him out again before bed for another one. I was meant to be going up to my dad’s house tonight as my sister is visiting from Qatar but my dad has had to work late so we are rearranging that. I was originally only intending to do thirteen and a half miles with Roman today but that will now go up to fifteen miles. I am pretty confident now that everything is alright with him.

He has had a limp a couple of times but I noticed that he had a small cut on the pad of one of his rear paws. I think he must have done that when I took him out with my friend and her dog the other night – we were going through some pretty wild fields and I hadn’t noticed a limp until the morning after we had been there. I panicked at first, as you might expect, but I am a little more at ease now. It is not a bad cut and he has been tending to it quite a lot so I am sure it will heal pretty quickly.

The distances we are covering do not seem to be bothering him at all and he seems to be dealing pretty well with the sunshine. I was thinking about the hear across Europe earlier this week and how he is going to cope with it and I can’t work out whether he will find it more or less difficult. I know I certainly find European weather easier to deal with, mainly due to the fact that it is so much less humid, but I am not sure whether it will be the same for Roman. Anybody know the answer to that?

I have done a mini workout tonight as I realised it has been well over a week since I last did one! I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. I have had my protein shake and am just about to tuck into a nice chicken tikka masala, cooked by my own fair hand so you don’t need to worry about there being anything unhealthy in there – I’m quite vigilant these days!

I have again been trying to persuade my friend to come along for the ride and help me transport all of the food and equipment in his car but I think it might be to no avail. It’s a shame really as something like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity really. I know he certainly wouldn’t fancy the walking and I would never in a million years expect anybody to be mad enough to do that with me but I had hoped that the lure of a new life in a beautiful and warm country may be enough. I will keep trying!

I will try and get a reasonably early night tonight as I would like to be up pretty early to start the day’s walking. Roman seems to not be bothered when I get up to be honest as long as he gets his breakfast and tea! It’s a dog’s life!

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