Friday, 26 June 2009

3 Days To Go!

Today has been a bit of a nightmare day to be honest. There are loads of reports that were set up by someone else at work that has just left the company a week ago and they have suddenly stopped working! I am one of the very few people capable of investigating the situation properly so a lot of my time today has been designated to that – not good when you are frantically trying to sort all of your own stuff out for a handover!

I have not spoken to the estate agents today but, when I spoke with them yesterday, I requested that they call me back tomorrow just to keep me posted with what is happening – good or bad news. I asked what they thought about putting the house in an auction but they said there would probably be little benefit as the prospective buyers will be looking to pay well under the odds at a time like this. It’s really frustrating but I have to stick with it.

I only had to work until 5pm today so I managed to get home pretty early and get Roman out running in the sun on the field at the back of my house for half an hour or so – I didn’t time it, I just waited until he got tired and then headed back. When I was speaking to Angela, the dog trainer, she advised me to try to keep him on grass after his limping last week so I have been trying to take routes that have grass verges or have him running on grass. Touch wood, his limp has not come back so I think everything is alright. I am convinced now that he had hurt his paw.

I now have just 3 more days in work. That’s 24 hours or 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds – not that I’m counting! It’s pretty mad to think how quickly it has come around and how, on Wednesday, I will no longer have to get out of bed to go to work! I know I have said it before but it is a really strange feeling. I was asked again today by somebody if I was nervous and my reply went along the lines of “Hell no! I’m excited!”

I spoke to Julie this week from HR to ask if she had heard anything back from group about publicising what I am doing across the whole of the group – our company is in 11 countries and has over 1,000 employees so there is a fair amount of potential for raising interest there. I hope they agree but I guess I will just have to wait and see.

I am really looking forward to the weekend and am hoping that the sun stays around so that Roman and I can enjoy a few relaxing walks under the sun. I am determined to get some form of a suntan before I leave so that I don’t look like the odd one out! I didn’t bother with a workout tonight – I like to have one night on and then one night off so that my body has time to recover properly.

My brother’s monitor arrived today and he seems very happy with it. I have to say it does look really good so I have spent most of the evening at his house playing Football Manager – if I’m paying all that money out then I might as well enjoy it! I managed to con a lasagne out of him too but I reckon he got the better end of the deal!

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